Key West, Florida

2014 Results
Overall          Men          Women          Age Groups          Teams


            Female Teams                            Places            1     2     3     Team Time

            1  Cheetah Girls (HS)                     64             7    15    42      18:14.4

            2  Cool Running (MS)                     124            33    45    46      20:20.4

            3  Sole Sistas (HF)                      178            52    54    72      22:04.2

            4  Half Fast (SS)                        227            69    70    88      23:36.2

            5  Running From Home (HF)                269            77    94    98      24:50.7

            6  Rum Runners! (FB)                     351            85   119   147      27:14.2

                            7  Tres Alcoholicos (FF)                 368            91    92   185      28:00.7                

                            8  Montessori Munchkins (ES)             404            82   125   197      29:41.6                

            9  Operation Apple-A-Day "B" (SS)        465            83   178   204      32:21.0

                           10  Triple Play (ES)                      501           166   167   168      31:21.2                

                           11  The BadSasses (SS)                    552           156   191   205      35:03.9                

                           12  Operation Apple-A-Day "A" (SS)        565           183   184   198      34:51.3                

           Male Teams                              Places            1     2     3     Team Time

            1  Team 19 (SS)                            7             1     2     4      14:03.2

            2  Seadragons (HS)                       149            28    60    61      21:16.5

                                   3  Team Weisberger (FF)                  270            32    76   162      24:35.1                       

           Mixed Teams                             Places            1     2     3     Team Time

            1  Street Meat (SS)                       44            10    11    23      17:30.9

                2  Happy Feet (SS)                        76             5    16    55      18:18.0    

            3  Super Cheetahs (SS)                   116            29    30    57      20:07.2

                          4  The Bardetti Brigade (FF)             309            90   109   110      26:09.8              

            5  Althouse In The House (FF)            314           103   104   107      25:53.2

            6  Daddy's Girls (FF)                    337            40   117   180      26:48.0

            7  Douglas Runners (FF)                  349            93   101   155      27:05.7

            8  Boston Beauties and the Beast (SS)    353           108   122   123      27:27.5

              9  Team Cupcakes & Stud Muffin (HF)      358            37   129   192      27:48.5  

           10  Jersey Strong (FF)                    378           102   121   137      28:03.7

             11  Southernmost Bruisers (SS)            379           100   138   141      27:43.2  

                     12  WTF?!  Where's The Finish? (FF)       561           186   187   188      34:06.3          

                 13  Snail Trailin' Something Special        x            39   194     x       -----       

                            14  Merritt Island Mustangs (SS)            x             x     x     x       -----                  




1.  Cheetah Girls (HS) 64

                                                                   O'all      Cum.

   Place Bib No Name                     City                Gend  Place      Place      Time   Cum. Time

      1      2  Tristin Milliken        Key West  FL           F       7          7      5:34.0     5:34.0

      2      4  Nicole Matysik          Key West  FL           F      15         22      5:46.3    11:20.3

      3      3  Catherine Richardson    Big Pine Key  FL       F      42         64      6:54.0    18:14.4

2.  Cool Running (MS) 124

                                                                   O'all      Cum.

   Place Bib No Name                     City                Gend  Place      Place      Time   Cum. Time

      1    166  Lou Navarro             Key West  FL           F      33         33      6:28.2     6:28.2

      2    165  Cassadee Wellings       Key West  FL           F      45         78      6:55.5    13:23.7

      3    167  Marie Willy             Key West  FL           F      46        124      6:56.7    20:20.4

3.  Sole Sistas (HF) 178

                                                                   O'all      Cum.

   Place Bib No Name                     City                Gend  Place      Place      Time   Cum. Time

      1    132  Taz Davis               Key West  FL           F      52         52      7:09.4     7:09.4

      2    131  Laura Kasper            Key West  FL           F      54        106      7:13.1    14:22.5

      3    136  Debra Toppino           Key West  FL           F      72        178      7:41.6    22:04.2

4.  Half Fast (SS) 227

                                                                   O'all      Cum.

   Place Bib No Name                     City                Gend  Place      Place      Time   Cum. Time

      1     68  Pam Smith               Big Pine Key  FL       F      69         69      7:38.0     7:38.0

      2     67  Lisa Graft              Big Pine Key  FL       F      70        139      7:38.2    15:16.2

      3     66  Melanie Stefanowicz     Key West  FL           F      88        227      8:19.9    23:36.2

5.  Running From Home (HF) 269

                                                                   O'all      Cum.

   Place Bib No Name                     City                Gend  Place      Place      Time   Cum. Time

      1    189  Charlene Smythe         Sanford  NC            F      77         77      7:56.0     7:56.0

      2    188  Melissa Sheldon         Fayetteville  NC       F      94        171      8:26.3    16:22.4

      3    187  Kelly Melvin            Fayetteville  NC       F      98        269      8:28.3    24:50.7

6.  Rum Runners! (FB) 351

                                                                   O'all      Cum.

   Place Bib No Name                     City                Gend  Place      Place      Time   Cum. Time

      1    101  Anna Naiyns                                    F      85         85      8:13.4     8:13.4

      2    100  Cate Beehler                                   F     119        204      9:10.4    17:23.9

      3    102  Nicole Pund             Key West  FL           F     147        351      9:50.2    27:14.2

7.  Tres Alcoholicos (FF) 368

                                                                   O'all      Cum.

   Place Bib No Name                     City                Gend  Place      Place      Time   Cum. Time

      1    112  Lerin Dengler           York  PA               F      91         91      8:23.6     8:23.6

      2    113  Rachael Dengler         York  PA               F      92        183      8:25.5    16:49.2

      3    114  Debra Dengler           York  PA               F     185        368     11:11.4    28:00.7

8.  Montessori Munchkins (ES) 404

                                                                   O'all      Cum.

   Place Bib No Name                     City                Gend  Place      Place      Time   Cum. Time

      1     24  Caylaa Makimaa          Key West  FL           F      82         82      8:03.2     8:03.2

      2    218  Skylar Barros           Key West  FL           F     125        207      9:22.5    17:25.7

      3     23  Mayaa Makimaa           Key West  FL           F     197        404     12:15.9    29:41.6

9.  Operation Apple-A-Day "B" (SS) 465

                                                                   O'all      Cum.

   Place Bib No Name                     City                Gend  Place      Place      Time   Cum. Time

      1    193  Kristen Logan           Sugarloaf Key  FL      F      83         83      8:09.1     8:09.1

      2    195  Leah Sacksteder         Key West  FL           F     178        261     10:53.7    19:02.9

      3    194  Jesica Mesa             Key West  FL           F     204        465     13:18.1    32:21.0

10.  Triple Play (ES) 501

                                                                   O'all      Cum.

   Place Bib No Name                     City                Gend  Place      Place      Time   Cum. Time

      1     33  MacKenzie Barrios       Key West  FL           F     166        166     10:25.2    10:25.2

      2     32  Jade Elomina            Key West  FL           F     167        333     10:27.4    20:52.7

      3     34  Madison Gonzalez        Key West  FL           F     168        501     10:28.5    31:21.2

11.  The BadSasses (SS) 552

                                                                   O'all      Cum.

   Place Bib No Name                     City                Gend  Place      Place      Time   Cum. Time

      1    144  Tania Mattson           Tavernier  FL          F     156        156     10:07.0    10:07.0

      2    145  Cheryl Lee-Talbert      Tavernier  FL          F     191        347     11:38.1    21:45.1

      3    147  Meloney Pyers           Tavernier  FL          F     205        552     13:18.7    35:03.9

12.  Operation Apple-A-Day "A" (SS) 565

                                                                   O'all      Cum.

   Place Bib No Name                     City                Gend  Place      Place      Time   Cum. Time

      1    190  Celina Perez            Key West  FL           F     183        183     11:04.6    11:04.6

      2    192  Shannon Michaud         Key West  FL           F     184        367     11:09.9    22:14.6

      3    191  Brittany Pazo           Key West  FL           F     198        565     12:36.6    34:51.3


   1.  Team 19 (SS)  7                                             O'all      Cum.

   Place Bib No Name                     City                Gend  Place      Place      Time   Cum. Time

      1      6  Douglas Weeks           Key West  FL           M       1          1      4:33.1     4:33.1

      2      5  Keith Durden            Key West  FL           M       2          3      4:35.0     9:08.2

      3      9  Jerry Burgess           Key West  FL           M       4          7      4:55.0    14:03.2

   2.  Seadragons (HS)  149

                                                                   O'all      Cum.

   Place Bib No Name                     City                Gend  Place      Place      Time   Cum. Time

      1    110  Benjamin Althouse       Tavernier  FL          M      28         28      6:23.1     6:23.1

      2     12  Cole Yeager             Islamorada  FL         M      60         88      7:24.7    13:47.8

      3     13  Zane Turbessi           Tavernier  FL          M      61        149      7:28.7    21:16.5


   3.  Team Weisberger (FF)  270


                                                                   O'all      Cum.

   Place Bib No Name                     City                Gend  Place      Place      Time   Cum. Time

      1    182  Daniel Weisberger       Tavernier  FL          M      32         32      6:27.1     6:27.1

      2    180  Ariel Poholek           Tavernier  FL          M      76        108      7:50.9    14:18.0

      3    181  Pascal Weisberger       Tavernier  FL          M     162        270     10:17.0    24:35.1


   1.  Street Meat (SS)  44  

                                                                   O'all      Cum.

   Place Bib No Name                     City                Gend  Place      Place      Time   Cum. Time

      1     98  Kristin Chester                                F      10         10      5:39.5     5:39.5

      2     99  Andy Winckler           Key West  FL           M      11         21      5:41.0    11:20.6

      3     97  Melvin Shaffer          Key West  FL           M      23         44      6:10.2    17:30.9


   2.  Happy Feet (SS)  76

                                                                   O'all      Cum.

   Place Bib No Name                     City                Gend  Place      Place      Time   Cum. Time

      1     30  Renee Makimaa           Key West  FL           F      55         55      7:13.8     7:13.8

      2     31  Mark Coleman            Key West  FL           M       5         60      5:16.9    12:30.8

      3     29  Bradley Makimaa         Key West  FL           M      16         76      5:47.2    18:18.0


   3.  Super Cheetahs (SS)  116  

                                                                   O'all      Cum.

   Place Bib No Name                     City                Gend  Place      Place      Time   Cum. Time

      1    146  Tina Wingard            Cudjoe Key  FL         F      29         29      6:23.8     6:23.8

      2    143  Scout Graft             Big Pine Key  FL       M      30         59      6:25.5    12:49.4

      3    149  Sahara Graft            Big Pine Key  FL       F      57        116      7:17.8    20:07.2


  4.  The Bardetti Brigade (FF)  309

                                                                   O'all      Cum.

   Place Bib No Name                     City                Gend  Place      Place      Time   Cum. Time

      1    152  Sophie Bardetti         Andover  MA            F      90         90      8:22.8     8:22.8

      2    150  Julia Bardetti          Andover  MA            F     109        199      8:51.3    17:14.1

      3    155  Liz Bardetti            Andover  MA            F     110        309      8:55.6    26:09.8

           153  Luke Bardetti           Andover  MA            M     145                 9:46.3    35:56.1

           151  Joe Bardetti            Andover  MA            M     146                 9:49.7    45:45.9


   5.  Althouse In The House (FF)  314

                                                                   O'all      Cum.

   Place Bib No Name                     City                Gend  Place      Place      Time   Cum. Time

      1    107  Lisa Althouse           Tavernier  FL          F     107        107      8:40.2     8:40.2

      2    109  Aiden Althouse          Tavernier  FL          M     103        210      8:35.9    17:16.2

      3    108  Randall Althouse        Tavernier  FL          M     104        314      8:37.0    25:53.2


   6.  Daddy's Girls (FF)  337   

                                                                   O'all      Cum.

   Place Bib No Name                     City                Gend  Place      Place      Time   Cum. Time

      1    217  Kassidy Grooms          Key West  FL           F     117        117      9:00.7     9:00.7

      2    215  Bascom Grooms           Key West  FL           M      40        157      6:45.7    15:46.4

      3    216  Kelci Grooms            Key West  FL           F     180        337     11:01.5    26:48.0

   7.  Douglas Runners (FF)  349

                                                                  O'all      Cum.

   Place Bib No Name                     City                Gend  Place      Place      Time   Cum. Time

      1     36  Jennifer Ashworth       Uxbridge  MA           F     155        155     10:06.7    10:06.7

      2     35  Michael Ashworth        Uxbridge  MA           M      93        248      8:25.9    18:32.7

      3     37  Benjamin Ashworth       Uxbridge  MA           M     101        349      8:33.0    27:05.7


   8.  The Boston Beauties and the Beast (SS)  353

                                                                   O'all      Cum.

   Place Bib No Name                     City                Gend  Place      Place      Time   Cum. Time

      1     38  Denise Waite            Leominster  MA         F     108        108      8:47.9     8:47.9

      2     39  Kris Staples            Mansfield  MA          F     122        230      9:18.4    18:06.4

      3     40  Dimitrios Loukos        Mansfield  MA          M     123        353      9:21.0    27:27.5

   9.  Team Cupcakes & Stud Muffin (HF)  358

                                                                  O'all      Cum.

   Place Bib No Name                     City                Gend  Place      Place      Time   Cum. Time

      1    175  Jo Socha                Summerland Key  FL     F     129        129      9:28.2     9:28.2

      2    178  Dave Hoffman            Big Pine Key  FL       M      37        166      6:42.0    16:10.2

      3    171  Cheryl Jones            Big Pine Key  FL       F     192        358     11:38.3    27:48.5


   10.  Jersey Strong (FF)  378

                                                                   O'all      Cum.

   Place Bib No Name                     City                Gend  Place      Place      Time   Cum. Time

      1     70  Donna Fromhold          Neptune  NJ            F     120        120      9:12.9     9:12.9

      2     71  Linda Hemmer            Neptune  NJ            F     121        241      9:16.0    18:29.0

      3     69  Brian Fromhold          Neptune  NJ            M     137        378      9:34.6    28:03.7