Joshua Tree National Park:  16 June 2004, 18 May 2005

The '04 visit here was a rushed.  Moby was running a fever, and we had to keep zooming to avoid calamity.

The mid-May, late-day tour in '05 left a much better impression.  Very cool place.  [27 photos]

JTNP's southern entrance

Desert desolation

Pile o' rocks

Another pile o' rocks. These were the primary attraction in JTNP's southern half.

And more. Glaciers left these piles as they receded. hard to picture this place iced in.


A Joshua tree and boulders in the northern half of the park.

Utah-ish boulders

A Joshua tree forest

Trees and hills in '05.

An outside view of Hidden Valley

A forest of Joshua trees

Tree and boulder

Cliff -- climber in niche


Plant life

Natural, not constructed


Plant life

Plant life

Plant life

Sunset at Keys View Overlook

Sunset at Keys View Overlook

Joshua tree at dusk

Joshua tree and moon

Sunset silhouette

Skull Rock