Conchs Cross Country 2008 -- Athlete Profile


[Boys Team]    [Girls Team]    [Schedule Page]


Name Alyssa Sawyer

Grade 12
Hometown Key West
Brothers/Sisters 2
Brand of Running Shoes Asics
Other Activities Executive Board, Student Council
Other Places I've Lived  
Person I'd Like To Meet Justin Timberlake & Corbin Blu
  They are beautiful
Career Aspiration Psychiatrist
Good / Like Category Bad / Dislike
The Notebook Movie Fantasia
Secret Life of an American Teenager TV Show Internet Site  
Psychology, Drawing Subject in School Math
Cross Country Game (sport/board/video) Golf
Sushi Food Avocado
Dog Animal Snake
VW Bug Car  
Orange Color Black
July Month March
Any country music Music Performer any hard metal
Cookies-n-Cream, Cookie Dough Ice Cream Flavor Plain vanilla

[Boys Team]    [Girls Team]    [Schedule Page]