Conchs Cross Country 2008 -- Athlete Profile


[Boys Team]    [Girls Team]    [Schedule Page]


Name Gareth Peck

Grade 11
Hometown Key West
Brothers/Sisters 1 brother
Brand of Running Shoes Asics
Other Activities Drums, football, basketball, tennis,
  Church, music, dancing, acting
Other Places I've Lived Orlando, New York, Virginia,
Person I'd Like To Meet Jesus
Career Aspiration Psychologist, massage therapist, actor
Good / Like Category Bad / Dislike
All of them Movie  
The Office, America's Best Dance Crew TV Show Internet Site  
  Subject in School  
  Game (sport/board/video)  
Dippin' Dots, Slushies, Pina Colada Food Mushrooms
Godzilla, monkey, tiger Animal  
I just want a Honda Civic Car  
  Color Puke green
September Month September
Ricky Hatch Actor/Actress  
Wendi Peck Music Performer Led Zeppelin
Sarah Wynne Ice Cream Flavor Rum Raisin

[Boys Team]    [Girls Team]    [Schedule Page]