Conchs Cross Country 2008 -- Athlete Profile


[Boys Team]    [Girls Team]    [Schedule Page]


Name Cole Acevedo

Grade 11
Hometown Key West
Brothers/Sisters 1 brother, 1 sister
Brand of Running Shoes  
Other Activities French Club president
  Hope Club president
  The Snapper, Opinions editor
Other Places I've Lived Dallas, TX
Person I'd Like To Meet Kurt Vonnegut
Career Aspiration  Writer
Good / Like Category Bad / Dislike
The Life Aquatic Movie The Dark Knight
The Office TV Show Internet Site  
Newspaper Subject in School Algebra
Life Game (sport/board/video)  
Quesadillas Food  
Rhinoceros Animal  
PT Cruiser Car  
Black Color  
October Month  
Miley Cyrus Music Performer  
Cherry Garcia Ice Cream Flavor  

[Boys Team]    [Girls Team]    [Schedule Page]