Conchs Cross Country 2008 -- Athlete Profile


[Boys Team]    [Girls Team]    [Schedule Page]


Name Jayci Hall

Grade 10
Hometown Key West
Brothers/Sisters none
Brand of Running Shoes Asics
Other Activities Band, sailing, art
Other Places I've Lived Illinois
Person I'd Like To Meet Brandon Boyd
  Barack Obama
Career Aspiration Traveler
Good / Like Category Bad / Dislike
Dark Knight / The Valet Movie Step Up 2:  The Streets
Ace of Cakes TV Show G's to Gents
Flickr Internet Site  
Art Subject in School Band
Sailing Game (sport/board/video) Uno
Thai Food Pecans
Paige Graham Animal Emma Fehlig
VW Car Chevy
Purple Color Yellow
June Month January
Heath Ledger Actor/Actress Selena Gomez
Incubus Music Performer Miley Cyrus
Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Flavor Pistachio

[Boys Team]    [Girls Team]    [Schedule Page]