Conchs Cross Country 2008 -- Athlete Profile


[Boys Team]    [Girls Team]    [Schedule Page]


Name Sarah Wynne Eppes

Grade 12
Hometown Key West
Brothers/Sisters 2 older brothers
MySpace/Facebook x
Brand of Running Shoes Asics
Other Activities Track, NHS, Beta Club,
  Mu Alpha Theta, Z-Club
  Skiing in the winter
Other Places I've Lived Virginia
Person I'd Like To Meet David Beckham
  because he's beautiful
Career Aspiration UN Ambassador
Good / Like Category Bad / Dislike
Gladiator Movie The Break Up
Grey's Anatomy TV Show The Nanny
Facebook Internet Site
History Subject in School Math
Capture the Flag Game (sport/board/video)  
Stuffed Shells Food Walnut
Panda Animal Ants
Taureg Car PT Cruiser
Pink Color Yellow
October Month March
Ricky Hatch Actor/Actress Nicholas Cage
Dave Matthews Music Performer Miley Cyrus
Gareth Peck Ice Cream Flavor Rocky Road
Shop, ski, watch TV, eat Thing to Do run, get yelled at

[Boys Team]    [Girls Team]    [Schedule Page]