Fill in the blanks below and click SUBMIT at the bottom to enter yourself in the 2008 CCCC

*** Use TAB to advance from field to field.  ENTER will submit an incomplete form!! ***

Name:     Gender (M/F):       Age:      Date of Birth: 

Street Address:     Town:     State:      Zip: 

Phone:     E-Mail: 

By clicking this box, you acknowledge the following Waiver of Liability:

I know that running/walking are potentially dangerous activities.  I should not enter the run/walk unless I am medically able and properly trained.  I agree to abide by the decision of the race official regarding my ability to complete the run/walk.  In consideration of being accepted, I hereby assume all the risks arising out of this event and release and hold harmless the sponsors, officials, volunteers, administrators, and all other persons associated with Conch Cross Country Carnival, including the Key West Southernmost Runners Club, the Key West Golf Club from any and all liability claims or causes of action of every kind and nature arising out of my participation in this event.  I authorize officials of the run/walk to use their discretion to have me transported to a medical facility and take full responsibility of action.  I grant full permission to any and all of the foregoing to use any photography, tapes, motion pictures, recording, or any other record of this event for any purpose.  I further understand that my entry fee is non-refundable.  Bikes, strollers, baby joggers, skates, skateboards, roller blades, and headsets are prohibited on the course during the event.  NO ONE may enter this event without signing this official waiver.

By clicking this box, I acknowledge that I am parent/guardian of this under-18 participant and I consent to his/her participation

(After clicking "Submit" you should be taken to a Confirmation Page.  If not, something went awry.)

( Questions: email )