Team Entry Fee: Adults $69 / Students $48
3-person teams, male, female, or mixed
Cool Prizes to the Winning Teams for each Gender!
Creative, Clever and Quirky Team Names Encouraged!
*** This is NOT a relay! All 3 team members run the full mile,
and team scores are decided by your places in the race.
(see example below)
Represent your business, your organization, your club,
or just your circle of friends
Set up grudge matches and team challenges. Taunt your friends!
Clever names, uniforms and/or outrageous outfits encouraged!!
Get crazy for KW’s craziest street (no nakies allowed, so not THAT crazy)
***** Team Prizes in Nine
NEW Categories
Female, Mixed: Junior, Master, Open
Junior = 19 & Under (all 3 runners) Master = 40 &
Over (all 3 runners)
Awards to Top Teams -- all 3 members -- in all categories.
Team scoring will be done by place, cross-country style:
** Teams
MUST enter before
race day. ****
Your place = your points.
1st = 1 point
33rd = 33 points
87th = 87 points
Total of 3 runners' points = Team Score
(the low score wins)
15th, 35th, 38th = 88
9th, 21st, 59th = 89
Wildebeests: 1st,
7th, 82nd = 90 points
Wombats win!!!
The Wildebeests prove the old adage, " You're only as good as your third runner."