Wednesday 4/19/2023
Tropical Park, Miami

Key West Conchs All-Time Top 10 Performances
Event Rank Mark Performer
G 400 Meters 1 :55.43* Savannah Chadic
G 200 Meters 1 :24.46** Savannah Chadic
G 100 Meters 8 :13.09 Nikole Tomita
G 800 Meters 8x 2:37.27 Alicia Bahri [5]
G 800 Meters 8x 2:37.68 Caylaa Makimaa'' [4]
G 1600 Meters 7 5:42.07 Alicia Bahri
G 1600 Meters 10x 5:47.18 Caylaa Makimaa'' [8]
G 100 Meter Hurdles 6x :17.86 Jenesis Perloff [4]
G 100 Meter Hurdles 8x :17.97 Ruth Azard [4]
G 400 Meter Hurdles 3x 1:14.08 Jenesis Perloff [2]
G Long Jump 9x 4.80m / 15'9" Abigail Cowan [3]
G Shot Put 4 9.70m / 31'10" Angelina Foster
G Javelin 2x 27.20m / 83'8" Abby Collins [2]
G Javelin 3x 25.18m / 82'7" Victoria Daley-Willy [3]
G 4x100 Meter Relay 2 :50.04 Jenkins Chadic Theen
G 4x400 Meter Relay 3 4:10.06 Tomita Perloff Makimaa Chacic

B 110 Meter Hurdles 9 :17.12 Suharevskis Niks-Davis'
B 400 Meter Hurdles 2 1:10.02. Anthony Jenner''
B 400 Meter Hurdles 3 1:13.84. Jeremiah Harvey''
B Long Jump 9 6.52m / 21'4.75" Kevon Mills
B Pole Vault 4 4.35m / 14'3.25" Suharevskis Niks-Davis'
B Javelin 2x 44.17m / 144'11" James Reynolds [2]
B Javelin 3 42.24m / 138'7" Jeremiah Harvey''
B Javelin 4 39.92m / 131'0" Anthony Jenner''

 * = School Record:  old mark was :56.02 set by Chadic on 3/17/23
** = School Record:  old mark was :25.40 set by Chadic in 2022

x = mark makes the list at this rank, but this athlete is already in the 
    Top 10, at a higher rank [shown in brackets after name]

Note:  400H will list Top 3 performances only (first-year event)
Note:  Javelin will list Top 5 performances only (second-year event)