Saturday 2/25/2023
Belen Jesuit Prep, Miami

Key West Conchs All-Time Top 10 Performances
Event Rank Mark Performer
G 100 Meter Hurdles 4x :17.79 Ruth Azard [3]
G 100 Meter Hurdles 4 :17.86 Jenesis Perloff
G 400 Meter Hurdles 1 1:14.54 Jenesis Perloff
G 400 Meter Hurdles 2 1:24.49 Grace Andrew'
G 400 Meter Hurdles 3 1:31.08 Neslo Attila''
G Long Jump 9x 4.82m / 15'9.75" Abigail Cowan' [3]
G Triple Jump 10x 9.16m / 30'1" Abigail Cowan' [6]
G Shot Put 5 9.19m / 30'2" Angelina Foster
G Javelin 3 24.23m / 79'6" Abby Collins'
G Javelin 2 23.54m / 83'8" Victoria Daley-Willy
G Javelin 5 19.18m / 62'11" Grace Andrew'
B 400 Meter Hurdles 3 1:15.18 Jeremiah Harvey''
B Javelin 4 33.66m / 110'5" Brandson Etienne'
B Javelin 7 32.40m / 106'3" Jeremiah Harvey''
B Javelin 10x 27.82m / 91'3" Te'von Watson'' [9]

x = mark makes the list at this rank, but this athlete is already in the 
    Top 10, at a higher rank [shown in brackets after name]

Note:  400H will list Top 3 performances only (first-year event)
Note:  Javelin will list Top 5 performances only (second-year event)