* = KWHS RECORD, BOYS 4x1600 METER RELAY: old mark was 20:13.15 by the team of Everett Wagner, Connor Chaney, Julian
Ramirez, and Brock Guzman in 2013
** = KWHS RECORD, GIRLS 4x200 METER RELAY: old mark was 1:54.60 set in 2016 by the team of Aaliyah Allen, Joanne Louis,
Anissa Tompson, and Samantha Jean
*** = KWHS RECORD, GIRLS DISTANCE MEDLEY: old mark was 13:48.10 set in 2016 by the team of Megan Mayer, Destiny
Homerson, Telia Llama, and Nicole Matysik
^ = 1 Mile Run = 1609.3 meters. Equivalent times for 1600m are:
Megan Mayer 5:52.48 [8]
Peterley Louis 4:59.88
Jason Block 5:02.08